Remind me NEVER EVER to buy another envelope ever in my life again! Think it could be something to do with the stationary obsession (!) but when I was in the attic I found a box with what looked like some envelopes in - I brought it down and found it was stuffed to the brim with what seems to be every size of envelope ever invented! I am completely sorted to make LOADS of cards for every occasion this year, even the ones I don't normally do, like Easter. People that I hardly know will be getting homemade cards from me this year! lol.
I made a robot card today out of the Tesco home shopping catalogue! I used pictures of pots & pans for the head and body, a stereo deck for the eyes and nose, electric knives for the arms and shower attachments for the legs. I stamped the background with a gears stamp:
It's for a young boy relative who will be 8 at the end of the month. I made this one a few months ago :

(On this one I used real buttons and a nut for the eyes, a staple for the mouth and paperclip springs for the arms).
Now, which envelope shall I use..?
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