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Saturday, 30 January 2010

Creative Companions

For today I have made a craft suitable for children to make:
No Sew Material Heads!

I thought I'd try my hand at a step-by-step demonstration, these are so EASY a child could almost make them by themselves, if they are able to cut material out, that is.

I should point out that these aren't my own invention, they came from an Usborne Activity |Book called 'Recycling things to make and do'.  I do like to recycle and reuse stuff, and  I think its very important that we all do our bit. 

To make the one on the right:

1. First of all, draw around a small plate on a piece of material (doesn't have to be ironed! lol) and cut it out.  Then scrunch up a page from a magazine into a ball:
2.  Put the magazine ball in the middle of the material circle and gather up the material around it.  
3. Secure it with a rubber band:
4. Cut into the material above the elastic bands for hair:
5. Add eyes using wobbly eyes or buttons and a mouth using a bead or cut one out from cardboard.  Glue into place....
..and voila!  One slightly strange monster to watch over you when you craft!:
Vary the materials for different kinds of 'monsters'.

(Remember not to give these to little children, they could choke on the buttons or beads)

EDIT:  Also spot the deliberate mistake - the material on my demo one is inside out! oops, lol


Florist said...

At first I thought it was scary, but hey, no matter as long as your kids made it haha. Nice one.

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