Welcome to my creative online journal

Thursday 1 July 2010


I've got a young child here tonight who cannot sleep!  It's nearly midnight and he's wide awake and coming in to ask me what I'm doing.  He's 8.  I really need to attend to him but it's difficult getting a child to sleep when its the heat that is keeping him awake. 

Because of this I'm not going to get the craft I'm doing finished & photographed, so tonight I will just have to show you some work I've discovered in Blogland that I absolutely LOVE! 

It's the work of Dina Wakley.  I just really lurve her style, its so bold, creative and colourful.  She also teaches and I would love to do some of her online classes.   To visit her blog click here.

(All pictures Copyright Dina Wakley)

There are many others I love too, including Alisa Burke and Michelle Ward and not forgetting, Tim Holtz.

Who inspires your creativity? 

See you tomorrow,


Perfect Balance Marketing said...

How are you and your little insomniac today? Hope he settled in the end - it is just so hot at the moment isn't it?!

Those images by Dina are gorgeous - it's a total mystery to me how people put those collages together but I love looking at them.

Have you checked out scrappyfairy.blogspot.com? SJ makes some fantastic digital scrapbooking images and offers a freebie to download each Friday to use in your own work.

Hope you're enjoying some cooler weather today. Look forward to seeing your finished craft, whatever it is! :o) L, xox

Nicky Stevenson said...

Thank you for asking Elle. He went to school OK this morning, hope he didn't fall asleep at his desk!

I do subscribe to SJ, thanks for that, her work is great too.

Our day was still hot today, and according to the weather forecast will be good all weekend. Hope we all get to sleep ok tonight. :-)

Unknown said...

I love Alisa Burke too and her classes are fab, Am doing the graffiti one at the mo and loving that but there are so many others that I want to do. Someone I've just discovered is Sharon Tomlinosn - you tube her - she's fab! And also just discovered Linda Baldock - check out her blog http://atclindab.blogspot.com she just posted the most fab art doll tut on you tube. But honestly - everyone in my blog roll inspires me in one way or another many times over - you included. There are so many talented people in Blogland!

Nicky Stevenson said...

You are so right Carmen, there is some fantastic work out there, including all the blogs I follow (sorry everyone, didn't mean to leave you out!)

My complete list of inspiration is VERY long!

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