Welcome to my creative online journal

Thursday 13 December 2012

Love Homemade Christmas Tree Decorations!

Last weekend we put up our tree (have you got yours up yet?) and I love the fact that we've gone for a real tree this year.  We've gone the artificial tree route for years and I must say that I'd almost forgotten just how lovely the real ones smell.  So christmassy, love it!

The other thing I love is when you get out your box of decorations and as you take out each one your memory starts coming back to you. This is what happened to me this year, when quite a few of the decorations I found were ones that I had made and showed you on this blog last year and the year before that.

Like this one:
Made simply by adding some silver cake balls into a clear bauble.  I noticed quite a few of the big shops like Asda and M&S had objects in their clear baubles this year, I wonder if they've been trawling through  our crafty blogs....?

And these two:

Made using hardened bread! They don't seem to have gone off, even though they are 2 years old!

This one is lovely, made by Linda, a christmas blog swap partner last year.  Looks as though it was made from clay. It has a lovely textured pattern put onto it. 

These I made this year, for my recent school christmas fair:
..and the Hama bead ones that the boy's helped me with also look good with the light shining through too:

And finally, one of the tree itself:
 (sniff, sniff)

Hope your Christmas preparations are going to plan.  The best advice that I read about this recently was 'Keep Calm, Make a List'.  

Thanks for stopping by today,

Sunday 9 December 2012

Phew! 2nd Christmas Fair Over!

...I can relax again now!  (Well, as much as you can when Christmas is just around the corner...)  Actually, I won't be relaxing from making things because I love it too much!

Today I'm showing you some of the items that I made for the fair (yesterday) and haven't yet shown you.

Like these luminaires:
  They were plastic cups with patterns and calligraphic lettering written on the outside and scrapbooking paper taped to the inside.  The light was created with a battery operated tealight. 

This is what they look like in daylight:
Ideally I could have done with turning out the lights at the Craft Fair, but I couldn't realistically do that! 

Another product I made (which was a variation of one found on Pinterest) were these 'Polar Express' packs of a bell and golden train ticket:
The homemade ticket was made by  punching the 'BELIEVE' letters using a bradawl and the additional lettering was made by hand.

This santa bauble tree decoration was also a Pinterest find:
(Apologies for photo quality, it was taken under low light)
This was simply made by sticking a black piece of elastic around a glittered bauble.  The buckle was created using sticky gems.
And last but by no means least,  I made some of these hand lettered heart decorations:
Which sold well, both as tree decorations and as tags for presents.

The fair wasn't quite as successful as I was hoping, but unsuccessful sales are going to look great around my own house and tree!

Thanks for looking today,

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