Before I explain the steps, I should tell you that the end product
Basically then, the steps:
The materials needed were some filler (just £3 from Homebase); Cracks are a good thing for this project so I didn't get the good stuff (more expensive) that said it resists cracking. Also needed was a piece of hessian and a flexible spatula.
Spread a moderate amount of the filler onto the hessian...
...and when dry (mine was left overnight) paint with your desired colours, randomly. See those cracks? Those are the 'wanted' cracks, they make the end result more interesting, apparently....
This is the bit where I learned something. I've never melted beeswax before (this was in a cheap slow cooker) and it took a very long time to melt. When it did it was brushed all over the piece...
...but because it dries all cloudy, you use a heat gun to make it all glossy again...
...and this is your finished piece! Well, unless you want to do more to it like Dina did, like cut it into shapes:
..and when I did that, it all sort of fell apart on me.
...Resulting in what I have now, a waxed, painted, hessian jigsaw!
Not really sure what I can do with it because its still quite fragile, but I've been through the motions and recorded it so couldn't not show it to you, could I? I should mention that Dina's didn't fall apart and hers even got sewn to the front of a journal. I shall have to get my thinking cap on...
The Creative Jump Start course finished today (although it is available until November if you wish to still join in). I've enjoyed taking part and learned some interesting new techniques that I can use in future projects (maybe not this particular one?!....) I'm glad that I stretched myself, even out of my comfort zone at times, because that will help with any arty crafty projects that I do from now on.
Thanks for looking,
Nicky {Creative Flourishes}
PS - Other photos of my Creative Jump Start 2014 projects can now be found on flickr here
PS - Other photos of my Creative Jump Start 2014 projects can now be found on flickr here