Welcome to my creative online journal

Monday 12 July 2010

Do you doodle do?

As an artist come crafter I do find myself doodling at times.  I tend to like making up my own cartoon characters which is what I used to do from about the age of  5 onwards.  I've been looking at some old Beano and Whizzer & Chips annuals with my children recently and some of the images I remember so well that it took me right back to when I was their age.  Kind of spooky in a way.  I did love comics though when I was little and spent many a happy hour pouring over the characters' hilarious antics.

My sister remembers that I love to do cartoons so bought me this book for my birthday, 'The Telephone Doodle Book', and today I've been filling in some of the pages.  No telephone required.

In detail I had to:
...make faces out of photographed vegetables.
Design a cra-zy hair do:
(Some of the drawing is already completed for you, in this one I just added the hair)
(As you can see, I changed my mind on how I was going to do this, the spikes won!)

Next, I had to 'dress Mr Simpson'
Fetching pair of green shorts eh?

Here I added some stripes:
...and finally some more whacky hair:

There are loads of doodling books on the market, get yourself one and have a go!  They are a great way of freeing up your creativity!

Thanks for reading,
See you tomorrow,


Carmen said...

:P Someone watches as many kiddy art programs as I do don't they? Now I'm going to be blimming Doodle Doing in my sleep!!!

This is such a fun post Nikki - back atcha by the way, you usually end up having me giggling.

Nicky Stevenson said...

I don't get to see kiddy programmes any more Carmen, I remembered 'Doodle Do'. I used to see loads but my two are 8 and 10 and all we see these days are 'The Simpsons!' I could watch them when they are at school but that would be a bit sad or is it mad?
My favourite when we did watch them was 'The Upside Down Show' that was REALLY creative. Have still got some of those on video...

Carmen said...

See I've got the perfect excuse in Ruby. She loves them all and eats them up. Her current favourite is Mister Maker and ... I think it's Squiggleit or something like that. A drawing show - she sits there with her board thing (bit like etcha sketcher but in colour and with a pen) and copies along with the squiggling :P

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