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Sunday 25 July 2010

Lullaby and Goodnight

I was very good today, I went to the Cancer Research charity shop and took a carrier bag full of books in!  It didn't stop me buying one book in replacement though, lol.  This book was a bargain though, as of course everything I ever seem to buy from these shops is.  It was a book from the 1960's with the words and music to nursery ryhmes and other children's tunes called 'My First Sing-A-Song Book'.  What I like about this one is it has lovely vintage images illustrating the songs. 

There is a lullaby section with this picture:
and it had a very famous tune called 'Cradle Song' which was written by Brahms that I remember singing to my baby (who is now 10!) at bedtime:
(Photo of baby Ryan asleep on left)

And on the front and back inside covers, there is this lovely illustration of a children's park.  This was the type of park I used to go on when I was little:
I remember that climbing frame and seesaw!

This is the book:
Costing me just 50p!   Memories? Priceless!

I also got these 'trainer wings!'
Which are embossed! I will be doing something artistic with them...
But not this! lol.  These were just 35p!

Tonight I also inked the edges of my altered book:
Just need to start thinking about a title and theme now...

Thanks for reading,
See you tomorrow,


K said...

Oh wow!!! those wings are FABULOUS!!! great find.

Carmen said...

I just don't believe the things you find in your charity shops! I am GREEN! Those wings are so gorgeous and that book - the illustrations are beautiful. I used to sing that to mine too - as well as My Girl ;)

Melanie Marshall said...

I keep forgetting to check all of the blogs out and yours is the one that always fills me with joy as I spend hours pouring over all of your little finds and gorgeous creations. One of my favourite blogs for sure :)

Mel Xx

Nicky Stevenson said...

Aww shucks! (Blush) Thanks for your comments girls. Nice to see you popping in Melanie. Miss seeing you in blogland. xx

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