Welcome to my creative online journal

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Thanks very much!

It's nice having the boys back.  They always come back from other people's houses looking 'taller' than I remember and full of new vocabulary, bursting to tell me what they've been up to. Apparently they had a fun trip out to a Steam Railway Rally and to the 'Millenium Point Think Tank'  in Birmingham.

Tonight I've just made a simple craft, a few 'Thank You' notelets to have on hand when the need arises:
Really simple to do. Pretty backing paper stuck on the back, a stamp (which I went over with pen), then stick on a ribbon and a bow. Easy Peasy!

Second one variant.  Think my 'Thank You' was a bit too dark. 

Nice to see the sunshine again this afternoon, hope it keeps up for the rest of the school holiday.

See you tomorrow,


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