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Saturday 19 June 2010

Father's Day and Peace Festival Pics

First of all:

Love from Nicky, Ryan & Joshua!
(and Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there)

As you can see, these are the individual letter boards that I constructed to make up the Father's Day Card I made for my husband's dad yesterday.  I made up the boards & then photographed them.  The photos were printed small and stuck onto the card. 

Next up,  I can show everybody this slideshow of a flavour of the Leamington Peace Festival that I went to today.  It's a festival that you don't camp at, you just go for the day (or both days of the weekend) and enjoy the good music (well, some of it is, today someone I heard was dreadful!), healthy food (mostly organic), shopping (a fair bit of hippy clothes, but they also have some arty bits and pieces) and you can find out about environmental issues from groups like Amnesty Int., Greenpeace, etc.

I only managed to get around a bit of the Festival because I was looking after my boys and they didn't want to go round! :-(

Update: Apologies but no slide show, it was created in Picnik

I will be back at the Festival tomorrow and will probably take more pics, its a very creative place with such a lot to see.  If you are able to go along, do pop in, its Free!  Also spot my altered shirt on this slideshow and see what I mean about the message across my chest! :-O  I have to admit, I did end up hiding it under a coat today, it was too cold for a sleeveless T.  Hopefully we will get to see more sunshine on Sunday. 

See you tomorrow,


Kandi said...

That looks like my sort of place, it is difficult to get to these things with kids though. I love how your top turned out, clever thing!
Kandi x

Nicky Stevenson said...

Thanks Kandi, I don't do sewing so being able to do a clothes alteration with no sewing was great! I'll have to look out for more projects like that.

There were lots of children there but some are more willing to go round the shops, usually the girls! ;-)


Carmen said...

That looks an AMAZING day! Lots of inspiration there! Love the keyrings and the hats!

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