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Wednesday 23 June 2010

Boy's Birthday Card

I have my husband back! Well kind of anyway! ;-0  He came back from China today but is off to an interview in Edinburgh tomorrow!  Not sure I want him to get a job there either, I mean its a lovely place and all but it is SO FAR from where we are right in the middle of England.  Yes, I know its not as far as China but it would still mean he would be working away and I (selfishly) want him back!  I, obviously, would prefer him to get something closer...

This weekend we are meant to be camping and unfortunately the weather is due to change to rain.  We will probably still make the best of it even if it does, we did two years ago when we went to The Gower in Wales and it bucketed it down. 

I've just done a quick digital card using Picnik tonight for one of my son's friends who will be 10 when we are camping. He loves cricket and football, unlike my two who can take it or leave it.

We had the England match on the TV this afternoon but only in the background to a home movie of our holiday that we were watching on YouTube.  (But yay! we won!)

Got to start thinking of packing soon,

See you tomorrow,


Carmen said...

Have had a tent in our cupboard for over a year now but downgraded our car not long after we bought it and now - with the tent in the boot there is room for noothing else! When we get a new car it will probably be a people carrier type thing so maybe one of these days we will get camping! ;)

Cool card - perfect for a footie mad boy!

Nicky Stevenson said...

Thanks Carmen. We haven't got a car now, we gave it up for the sake of the environment. I do miss it sometimes though, but we manage. We hire a car for camping, the biggest one we can get, because I take EVERYTHING with me, including the kitchen sink!

Weather may turn out nice after all.

Kandi said...

I hope you get camping weather, my boys love camping, we are planning a couple of weekends away with them this summer.
Kandi x

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