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Thursday 3 June 2010

Storage Labels

There comes many a time in a crafter's life when you simply can't find the very thing you are looking for.  This happens to me many, many, times!  And that is because despite my many attempts to tidy up, my craft equipment still seems to be in one big pickle!  The reason for this is normally because when I am in my desperate hunt to find something, everything else gets 'temporarily' moved out of the way, and then doesn't get put back!  So my craft tonight has been to make and label some of my boxes of equipment.

These labels I got for free online and they are made to look like those drawer labellers with pretend screws on either side.  (The link is here, its called JustsomethingImade.com, but you do have to subscribe (free) to Scribd in order to download the labels).

I handwrote the labels and added dots for character.

On the larger boxes, I have put the labels on the side:
 I use 'Really Useful Boxes' and would like all my stuff to go in them because I like to see what I've got but to have everything in them would cost a fortune (sigh!)
See you tomorrow,


Cathe Holden said...

LOVE IT!! So perfect that you added silver to the screws.

Yeah, you do have to sign up to access Scribd, but using Blogger, it's the best way I've found to share PDF files from my blog posts. AND all my PDF files are there in one place for the taking. Not to mention, once you're on Scribd, you get lost in all the free stuff!

Thank you for sharing a link to my little fake hardware graphics. You posted a fantastic way to use them.

I also share other similar labels, just search "organinzing labels" on my blog.

Thank you again,


Nicky Stevenson said...

Thanks for popping by Cathe, and also for sharing the labels, appreciate it. Glad you also liked what I did with them.

Haven't really looked into Scribd, will have to investigate.

qwiksave x

furrypig said...

love those labels so thanks for the link have downloaded them already!

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