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Sunday 11 April 2010

Shrink Plastic and UTEE

I challenged my comfort zone today and had a go at another something new.  I say 'something new' it was another technique from that 'very old' (year 2000) book written by Suze Weinberg.  You may remember a short while back I tried the spritzing the metallic pen technique, which didn't work terribly well...but moving swiftly on!

Today's technique was using UTTE onto Shrink Plastic and stamping:
I 'challenged' myself because I've always been a bit nervous of Shrink Plastic - it shrivels up and threatens not to unbend itself when its shrinks.  It did do that today but I was very brave and let it do its own thing, before flattening it with an acrylic block! 
This technique was slightly different to the normal shrink plasticing - in that you stamp your image after it has shrunk, so your stamped image stays the same size.
...and BEFORE you shrink the plastic, you ink it up with your ink pad (not Pigment Ink), and cover it with UTEE.  Then you heat it and then you stamp it.  Leave the stamp on the plastic to cool.

I used a dye multi-coloured metallic ink pad to ink the plastic sheet but the colours haven't shown up as much as I'd like.  I would be tempted to add more colours now, maybe with alcoholic inks or rub-on metallic paste.

My two boys go back to school tomorrow and the weather forecast is for SNOW in our area!  Shock horror!  We were sunbathing yesterday!



Gem said...

wow that looks so great! what a fab technique :) xx

Sarah said...

Wow, that's gorgeous, love the look and I am another scared stiff pf shrink plastic ;-)

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

Very cool technique! Thanks for sharing. Thanks for joining the Craftaholics Anonymous Support Group! I had fun stopping by and checking out your craftiness!

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