Welcome to my creative online journal

Tuesday 9 March 2010

My Photo meme

Thanks to Lucy from Crafting in the Beach Hut for tagging me to do my first photo meme.

Here's what I was asked to do:

1. Open the first (oldest) photo folder on your computer

2. Scroll to the 10th photo

3. Post the photo and the story behind it

4. Tag 5 or more people to continue the thread

Here is mine:
It is of my youngest son being held by his father at a green festival held in Wiltshire (called the Big Green Gathering) in 2002.
The baby, Joshua (who is now nearly 8!) was just 3 months old here.

I had previously copied some pictures of one of our storage discs so I could 'play' with them and make scrapbooks which is why this was on my laptop now. 

It was taken at a festival (that sadly no longer runs) that we used to go to quite often because we always had such a fun and relaxing time.  As well as lots of seminars on environmental issues, they had a fantastic 'Craft Area' where you could go to workshops and learn how to make felt, baskets or digeredoos, amongst other things.  They had tent cafes (where this picture was taken) that sold amazing organic feasts or just coffee and cakes.  And as you dined, live music would just start up by passing musicians with all manner of instruments.  It was lovely.  I'm not a natural camper and festival toilets are not my ideal (!) but after a day or so I would get into it.  It was a place that was awash with colour, people really dressed down (I had to have a set saved for it!) but so cheerfully. They also had an amazing end of festival parade too, where people dressed up in incredible handmade costumes.  I have loads of fantastic photos taken at this event over the years and would love to show you them one day....

At this present time I can't list 5 people to send this to but if you too would like to do this, you are very welcome, say I sent you...


Perfect Balance Marketing said...

I can't believe you were brave enough to take a 3-month old to a festival! I was barely brave enough to go to the local supermarket when my LO was this age! Joshua looks super sweet here (and those organic feasts sound yummy!) x

Nicky Stevenson said...

Hi Lucy I've tried to comment on your wonderful changing bag today and it won't let me - problem with Blogger?

Joshua was our second child, so we were a bit more relaxed than we were with our first. It also wasn't a loud rock type festival either, we wouldn't have done that. It was also relatively easy because I was breastfeeding. qs x

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