Welcome to my creative online journal

Monday 8 March 2010

Christmas Time Again Again!!

Some days I like the craft that I've created and other days I think 'I wish I hadn't made that'.  Because I have commited myself to putting a craft on here daily, I do find I am putting things on that 'aren't quite right' or that I'm not terribly keen on - but they 'have to' go on here anyway.  There aren't enough hours in the day to make lots of things so that I can only  put things on here that I am satisfied with and  like, I just have to accept that's the nature of commitment to a daily blog.  Saying that, I am relatively pleased with almost everything I've been putting on the last couple of months and hope that you like them too.

To get to the point, I wasn't that keen on the card I made yesterday so made some alterations today. 
It's difficult to tell on this straight-on photo, but I've added loads of plastic beads all around the snowman and the frame.  It's given it the dimension it was lacking in yesterday.

This shows them a bit better.  I drew around the white beads I put on to match the ones on the stamp design.

I also added holographic glitter all over which is difficult to see in photos.

It is now a framed picture though, rather than a card, but I'm OK with that and will  now use it as a christmas room decoration.

Hope you like it now too! :-) 


Crafty JuJu said...

Gorgeous :) Love both ways :) x

Perfect Balance Marketing said...

It's lovely! The beads and bling on Mr Snowman are brilliant - and you're so organised to be making Christmas cards already!

I hope you don't mind but I've tagged you in a meme on my blog - take a look if you get the chance:

It's quite fun & a good excuse to have a look at old photos! Take care, Lucy x

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