Welcome to my creative online journal

Tuesday 18 May 2010

My First Blog Award

Last week I was given my very first blog award by K of K's Crafty Corner, so thank you very much K.  

I have finally got round to responding to this award with the tasks I have to do in order to accept, which are:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.                  

Here are 7 things about myself:

1. I am 5 feet 1 inches small.

2. For 6 years I played percussion music in a local samba (drumming not dancing) band (Samba music originates from Brazil):
(I'm at the front, left of the lady with the large drum and I'm looking in the wrong direction)

3. At aged 11 I nearly drowned in the sea at Tenby in Wales. The current was pulling me out. Fortunately I was rescued (by people on the beach who rushed in the sea with their clothes on!) :
This is Tenby (my grandparents lived there so we went every year when I was little)
Additional fact added: That 'castle' on the rock there used to be a Zoo in the 1960's!

4. I have worn hearing aids for 40 years and can't hear much without them.

5. My father was a Serbian from Former Yugoslavia and my mother was English (sadly both no longer with us).

6. My favourite drinks are Tea (milk, no sugar) and Strongbow Cider.

7. I got married 13 years ago dressed in pink! I have since cut up my silk pink & white wedding dress and used it as a sail on a toy pirate ship for a children's fancy dress party!

My wedding dress (1996)

Now I have to list 15 other fab blogs that I wish to pass this on to and so this is my list:
4.Mum's Monkey (combined with Its All Fiddle Fart)

Phew! It's a lot of hard work (over 2 hours this took me!)  receiving blog awards, I almost hope I don't get too many! (lol)  [and don't feel obliged to accept the award if you don't want it]

This one however, will take hard earned pride of place! :-)

No craft today, this took up the time!

See you tomorrow,

PS I was right about florescent being 'in', Next clothes shop has some in its window today and I saw someone in a florescent scarf.  Remember, you heard it here first! ;-)

PPS My husband has returned to China again today. :-(


Kandi said...

Thanks so much for the Blog award -my first award ever too!
I love your wedding photo you look amazing and your dress was fab!!
Kandi xx

Nicky Stevenson said...

You are very welcome Kandi. Look forward to seeing your facts!

Thanks for saying that about the wedding dress, a friend made it for me and it wasn't meant to last! Maybe I could find a picture of the pirate ship!

PepPop said...

Ooh thank you soo much. It's my first blog award too!! Exciting!! Love the 7 things. Jaqui x

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

Congrats on your award, and thank you so much for passing it along to me! This really made my day!!! And thank you for taking the time to vote for me today -- I truly appreciate it! xoxo :-)

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

PS I am so sorry to hear your mother had pancreatic cancer. My father is battling it now (diagnosed in Feb.), so this would mean so much to us to see $5,000 go towards PCAN.... Thank you!!!

Nicky Stevenson said...

Sorry to hear about your father, Valerie.

Could I please ask all my followers to vote for Frugal Family Fun Blog once a day in the Stoneyfield Organic Blogger Barnstorming Tour. If it wins it would mean that they donate $5000 dollars to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.

Also, do take a look at the Frugal Family Fun Blog if you have young children. there are always fab activities for you to do with them using simple materials.

Nicky Stevenson said...

I've noticed by looking at the stats for my blog that I get a lot of traffic to this particular post. This may be people interested in holidaying in Tenby? Can I point out that I highly recommend it as a holiday destination, it has great beaches, lots to do and I spent many, many, wonderful holidays there as a child. Do not be put off by the near-drowning incident, that was just me going out of my depth and not paying attention to currents. That was in the 1970's and now they have lifeguards on beaches, more signs, etc. Nicky.

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