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Monday 6 December 2010

Window Decoration Idea

I was going to recommend this idea as a way of displaying some christmas baubles in your window as I have seen them frequently in shop windows....

..but I can't recommend it because as I was trying to photograph these for this blog, the @&X! star 4th one along kept falling off! 

They look effective, with ribbons hanging down with the bauble attached to the end but the way they are attached to the window is by a hook attached to a sucker.   I think the bauble or decoration needs to be extremely lightweight otherwise the sucker comes away from the window, the ribbon falls down lots of times and that leads to bad language!  lol. 

Think I'll just have to find a better way of attaching them to the window...

Late edit: They (minus star no 4!) look interesting in the daylight with a bit of backlight & a wee touch of Picniky wizzardry:
* * * * *
These baubles (above) are up on our bathroom window.  I mentioned in an earlier post how I like to christmassify (!) lots of rooms in our house, well I also like to change my keyring around too for December:

...& AFTER:
Thanks for looking and for any comments,
See you tomorrow,


PepPop said...

Great idea but I have a feeling my cats would be constantly pulling them down. Love your Christmas keyring. Jaqui x

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