Welcome to my creative online journal

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Tree Decorations Made from Bread!

These tree decorations are mega sparkly! And they are made from Bread!

Believe it or not, we haven't got our tree up yet!  I've been waiting for my husband to come back from Germany to get our large artificial tree from the attic - and good news, he came back today!  He took two days to travel using trains and ferry and an overnight stay in Dover, but he finally made it back at lunchtime today.  My boys are ecstatic and are looking forward to going sledging with him tomorrow.

Back to the decorations and the way they were made was this: 

1. Use a biscuit cutter to cut the shape out of a slice of bread and make a hole in one end to thread the ribbon through.
2. Leave them on a baking rack overnight to harden.
3. Mix some PVA glue with some paint and paint the top and sides of the bread shape.  When dry, paint the other side.
4. Paste glue all over one side and sprinkle glitter all over. You could also add small beads and sequins too.  When dry, do the same to the other side.
5. Add ribbon or sparkly pipe cleaners to hang.

Dazzle, dazzle!

Thanks for looking and for any comments,
See you tomorrow,


Unknown said...

Wow these are amazing, well done and I`m glad your hubby got back safe and sound xx

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