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Monday 2 January 2012

DIY Solving of a UK Electrical Problem

Is this a familiar scene in your house?:
Boxes of unidentified wires and plugs, that may or may not have been put away tidily.  Some of the plugs may even be for things you no longer own.

Or maybe an extension with numerous electrical plugs in the sockets that all look remarkably similar to its neighbours?
This Christmas I found myself being the one to unplug the lights of the christmas tree and each time I did it I had to stop and think, 'which of the plugs was it?'

I remembered a long time ago that I bought some stickers for some of our plugs to label them (check out the microwave one on the right):
...and thought what a useful idea it was, but I don't think they are made any more.  So tonight, using Word on my computer I made myself some (none-picture)  labels:

I printed them out onto sticker paper and am now in the process of  cutting them out and sticking them onto all the plugs in our home.   They are going to be so useful for us and amongst other uses should stop us pulling out the wrong plug or will help us work out which plug is the one we need to charge up our mobiles.  I'm also going to use them in my craft room on all the assorted electicals I have there, like my heat gun and laminator.
(A useful project tip: When using this printer sticker paper, it is very helpful to use a craft knife to separate the front and back - it saves prevents the air from going blue! ☺).

Thanks for stopping by today,


theboelemas@aol.com said...

LOL Nicky you must have been peeping in our house!!! I have a large bowl full of chargers, leads etc that I ahve no idea as to where or what they belong, but you can bet the second I throw them they will be needed.

I'd already started labelling leads and chargers, but will now expand this to plugs :D

Happy New Year to you and yours - I hope 2012 brings you everything you wish for.

Claire x

Carmen said...

I thought you had a picture of our kitchen drawer there for a minute :P Am so tempted to just lob the lot! But you know of course what would immediately happen and my innocent face is just... well... non-existent :P

Great idea. Love the ping sticker :P

MadsaboutU said...

Lol. I had to laugh out loud when I saw this...exactly like one of the drawers in our living room. I have a label maker that is sticker pad and never bothered with labeling wires! I will get on to it. What a great idea.

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