
Monday 1 July 2013

A Sad Goodbye to Google Reader + Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt

I was surprised to see my Google Reader just vanish a couple of days ago. I knew it was due to go, but on the 1st of July (today), not a few days before! I think it's sad that it's going at all, but Google shouldn't have taken it away before they said they were going to. I'm fortunate in that I found a smooth, easy changeover to Feedly (unlike Bloglovin', which said 'No Feeds found' when I tried to transfer...?) but I can see that it (Feedly) will take a bit of getting used to. I do wish Google wouldn't mess with things we like and I'm more than a bit disappointed that they are removing iGoogle too, in November...

Ah well, back to blogging!

I have still got all my cards to show you from last month's ICAD (Index Card a Day) but if you want a sneaky pre-post peak at some of them, check my flickr set here.  The slideshow of all my cards from June will be on here very soon, so 'watch this space.' 

Meanwhile, back to my participation in Gallo Organico's Summer Photography Scavenger Hunt and I have another 3 pictures to show you (the others that I have done can be found on my flickr set here)

This one:
 (My apologies to Ireland and Wales that aren't strictly represented, but I thought it was too good not to use, it even seems to include a bit of 'France'.  I also like the way the blue sky represents the sea. ) 
The subject was to be a cloud in the shape of something and we had to say what it was.

This one was 'a sign that was intentionally or unintentionally funny'.  
This church found in Warwick often has very cleverly thought out handwritten signs outside.  The colour streaks you can see are from the sun. 

Some of the photos I've been taking for this project I've been thinking, 'I might find a better one' later on (not the two above!) but I do think that maybe I could find a better one than this one of our local theatre:

It's an unattractive 1970's building, which is why I 'hid it' by taking my photo from this side of the river (yes, there is a river between that theatre and the bushes) so now it looks more theatrical - like a scene from 'Sleeping Beauty'.  I may find a better theatre picture between now and September 21st when this challenge finishes....?  If not, it still qualifies (just needs a bulldozer!)...

Thanks for looking today,


  1. I really like your cloud photo - it does look exactly like (most) of the UK!

  2. GREAT cloud photo - well spotted!

    I don't want to rub it in ... but Google Reader is actually still working for me :-o

  3. That is a terrific cloud photo! And I love your sense of humor about the theatre.
    Thanks for joining the hunt and linking up.

  4. Good start! I think you'll like Feedly. I switched over to it in March, and much prefer it to Google Reader.

  5. Fantastic cloud, saw it straight away and the sign is cool too. BJ and thanks for visiting my offering already.

    Having real trouble with the word thingy, have you considered just moderation perchance?

    Here goes..............

  6. The cloud photo is brilliant!

    I'm pretty gutted about the loss of Google Reader too. feedly just isn't the same..

  7. I lost Google reader a few days later and also sad to lose ignoble to. The funny thing is there is nothing ring me to use Google in a daily basis now, might check out some other search engines!
    Your photos are great, I love the way you got the theme and made the photos interesting to such as with the sun beams and the terrific composition of the theatre.

  8. YIKES. So many typos, darn phone. I shall try again (feel free to delete above - it won't let me edit)
    I lost Google reader earlier too. The funny thing is that there is nothing tying me to use Google in a daily basis now, esp when the lose igoogle. Might check out some other search engines.
    Your photos are great, I love the way that you got the theme and made the photos interesting, such as with the sun beams and the trifocals composition of the theatre.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. Sorry about word verification due to annoying spam!