
Monday 8 July 2013

Warwickshire Open Studios Slideshow

Back again!  I am creating but with this wonderful weather I am not spending quite so much time on the computer, hence the lack of blogging.

To start off, I have two more pictures for the Gallo Organico Summer 2013 Photo Scavenger Hunt to show you.  I have done nearly all of them already, despite the deadline not being until September 21st.  I just keep spotting them when I am doing other projects.

Here I have #13 A Fence:
...which was taken at my youngest son's Primary School playground.  It's a big year for us him this year as he moves up to High School in September. 

and this one is for #1 An Open Air Market:
 ...or maybe this one?:

Our town closed its main street to traffic and had a market showcasing all it's local independent shops yesterday.  Yay for the independent shops rather than the same old, same old, big brand name shops that you can get any town anywhere (well, all over the UK anyway).  It's important that we support these small shops or we'll lose 'em!  

At the weekend, I also went along to visit some of our local artist's studios.  This was part of an organised event that happens every year and is free, yay!  Ours is called 'Warwickshire Open Studios' and has places to visit all over Warwickshire.  The event started on 29th June and runs until 14th July.

Rather than loads of individual photos, I have put together a slide show on Photobucket. Blogger wouldn't let me embed it in here, so you will find the link to it here.
(If on Feedly, or some other substitute google readers, please click yourself into the blog to follow link above).

Thanks for stopping by today,


  1. That's the most colorful fence I've seen during the hunt! This is a good reminder that I should go check out the farmer's market this weekend.

  2. There have been some fabulous fences so far but yours is the most colourful!

  3. Visiting from Rinda's Scavenger Hunt, you have some gorgeous things to look at here. Your fence is the best one I have seen and the reason I haven't found one yet. I want something fabulous and here in the south west it would seem we don't do fabulous fences. :)

  4. Super fence - and good luck with secondary school, mine has just finished year 9 and still mourns leaving primary. BJ

  5. My favourite shop is a small, independent coffee shop that's holding its own against both a Costa and a Starbucks on the same street. Most delicious espresso I've ever tasted,


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