
Saturday 15 June 2013

ICAD post.....soon!

I have been keeping up with Daisy Yellow's Index Card a Day (ICAD) challenge every day this month but haven't got round to putting a post together yet (sorry!).  I will do soon, honest, but In the meantime, I have taken yet another two photos for the Gallo Organico Summer 2013 Photo Scavenge.

I went with my youngest son's Year 6 class to Drayton Manor Park & Zoo in Staffordshire yesterday and apart from getting soaked, I managed to come away with two more of the subjects I needed:



I'm never very keen on seeing animals in zoos and did think the cages were a bit small there.  I have to say the best conditions I've seen for animals in captivity were at the Jersey Conservation Zoo a few years ago.  We went there for the weekend for our son's 2nd birthday (and he slept through it!)

That same son (at 11) is definately braver than me for theme park rides.  I just about managed the gentile horses bobbing up and down on the carousel but he went on this roller coaster ten times!:

He didn't go on this, though, would you?:

* * * * *

This weekend I'm going to (once again), be attending our annual (free!) Leamington Spa Peace Festival.  I go every year and it is such a creative place, full of colourful music, crafts, good music and interesting people.  You can see what it is like from my photos from last year on my set in my flickr account here.

I was hoping that the weather would be better this year, but the forecast isn't good. Brollies and wellies (flowery ones) are at the ready!...

Enjoy your weekend and thanks for visiting,


  1. He's braver than me as well Nicky, I hate going upside down, give me the pirate boat any day :)

  2. Braver than me - I scream even ob the pirate boat that K mentioned :P

    Love the pictures your coming up with - hope you had a great time at the art fair!

  3. Great photos, I can remember visiting similar themeparks as a child, your son going on the roller-coaster ten times is astoundingly brave!

  4. Great finds ... and NO I would NOT go on that machine! EEEK!!

  5. I`m glad to see you had a nice time with your son. I don`t like seeing animals in captivity neither, the cages kind of rob them of their natural beauty. That rollercoaster is amazing! I would certainly give it a try, although it looks a bit scary. I hope you have nice weather at the festival; it seems to be a nice place to go to.

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