
Wednesday 22 January 2014

Creative Jump Start 2014 Ribbon Pole Project

This project was a lot of fun to make but quite unlike anything I've done before!

It was a project demonstrated to us by Suze Weinberg (formerly of Ranger, now retired), who has a fascinating blog that I have followed for many years.  She continues to make fabulous quirky jewellery and her house is jam packed with fascinating objects from her many travels around the world.  I love it when she goes away because she takes great photographs and we as her blog followers get to tag along as armchair travellers.  I really enjoyed her Summer trip, last year I think it was, to Egypt.

Anyway, back to the project and this was mine:
(Hanging up in an interior attic room window)
I should point out that Suze's ribbon pole was not like mine as in she had lots of really thick ribbons that made it a lot more chunky.  I just raided my stash for anything that was in the right colour.

I have to say, I ended up tipping up my box of ribbons & threads in my quest to find what I needed so for those of you that are of a nervous disposition about mess [yes, I do mean you sister! ;) ]  look away now!
Shock horror!

I didn't really plan the colour scheme but once I'd started wrapping my ribbons it made sense to limit the colour range.  It ended up looking quite patriotic but that was just by 'happy accident!'.....

This is what it looks like close up:
...And, as you can tell, embellishing with jewellery making isn't really my forte.  I just threaded some beads on to some wire and wrapped it around my decorated gift wrapping tube.  I did enjoy the process though and added some sparkly bits for interest.  My boys verdict on the whole thing was that it was 'very hippyish!'

Thank you for stopping by today, and I'll be showing you yet more CJS2014 projects (I'm on a roll!) tomorrow.

Nicky {Creative Flourishes]

1 comment:

  1. Hippyish! I love that!

    Really fun project this one - and cor blimey I've missed loads of your posts! You've gone from zero to prolific in no time! That course seems to have really jumpstarted you! (Ahaaaa!)


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