
Monday 10 June 2013

Gallorganico Summertime Photography Scavenger 2013

Hello! I know it's been a very long time since I put pen to paper fingers to keyboard but I'm glad to be back and bursting with more creativity! What better way to get back than to get stuck into some of the great Summertime challenges that are lurking around in Blogland.

The first one I found was this fun scavenger photo project and for that my thanks must go to Julie Kirk who had pinned it on (wonderful) Pinterest (my second home).  

For all the details of this project you need to pop along to the blog: where you will find the list of 21 items that we need to hunt out and snap during the (hopefully!) sunny months ahead.

It actually started on June 1st, but I think it accepts latecomers and it runs until September 21st .

I have to say, even though we have all Summer, I have already spotted and taken 8 out of my 21!  So many of these were on my doorstep and the weather (up until this week) has been absolutely brilliant.  So, enough waffling without further ado, here are my pics so far:

 Our local Town Hall.  Just look at that naturally fabulous blue sky!

 This man was sleeping in the park in the sunshine. I like the way you can see the bottom of his shoe!

 This tower was part of a local church called St. Pauls. (I could have had #4 Airplane too, but I'll try and get a bigger one)

 This 'car' in our local river, is actually a boat.  These girls were eying up some lads in another 'car'.

 Stylish benches found outside our local Post Office

 Window of a country pub.  I popped in for half a cider just so I could photograph this (dedication you see!)

 Didn't think I'd see a fisherman but spotted these few people fishing 'illegally!' (omve!)

...And, last but not least, the bonus item, someone wearing an item of clothing representing their country.  (My mother in law just happened to have bought my son this shirt a couple of weeks ago).

Be back soon with pictures of another challenge that I'm taking part in, ICAD 2013.

Thanks for stopping by today,


  1. Yeah! She's back! She's back!

    Love the photo's. Especially the little arrow pointing to the No Fishing sign. I have a photo of us when we were on hols posing for a picture on some grass... right next to the "Keep Off The Grass" sign. I didn't realise what rebels we were till I got home and uploaded the pics ;)

    Great start to the hunt - at this rate you'll have to ask for an extra list!

  2. Awww, thanks Carmen. A warm welcome is always nice to come back to.

    I was being a bit risky taking the 'naughty' people fishing. I took these with my phone and everytime they looked up at me I was 'using' the phone. There was another sign in the lake that said 'No fishing' too, so they knew they shouldn't. Nobody told them though, they all just watched...

    Glad to be back though, and am enjoying these challenges.
    Nicky x

  3. Thanks for the shout out, and welcome to the hunt! The fishing photos are great, but my favorite is the tower.

  4. love your dedication to the hunt by having a cider along the way.

  5. I love the car ... it certainly doesn't belong.

  6. I really want to sit on that bench. Great set of photos.


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