
Saturday 12 January 2013

JumpStarting Continued and Creative Lettering

I haven't been around for a couple of days because it was my eldest son's birthday yesterday and I had to do some preparations.  He's now a teenager (eeeek! lol)

It hasn't stopped me doing some more work on the Creative JumpStart Summit course, which I have to show you.

First of all this journal page:
...Which was me working out about the balance I need in my life towards art and happiness levels, possiblities surrounding a job, money, etc.  It was loosely based on one of the projects set by Catherine Scanlon.

Second of all, I have this rather strange page where I was experimenting with transparencies, a project we learned about by Natalie Kalbach:

 I used an image of a soft face to contrast with the harshness of my stamped images (this is a doll photo that I took years ago).  The squared texture images were stamped on the transparency with black gesso and layered. 

Finally, I have started a notebook to put in examples of lettering found in magazines, leaflets and books:

This book will be similar to a scrapbook.  I plan to do another one that will be full of my own lettering experiments.

Thanks for looking and for any comments,


  1. The doll photo art page looks like it could be the cover of a music album - I LOVE it!

    Thank you for all of your sweet comments on the blog. The papers are by Echo Park, various collections i'm trying to use up :)

    So your son's a millenium baby, huh? Cool (13 years since then.. wow time just flies!)

    I'm also trying to find balance in life.. quite often the scales tip towards work when they should be more towards children. I don't think free time for me is even on the scales!

    Love the lettering in your first page, you're amazing at typography! The collection of letterings you're, well, collecting (LOL) is a brilliant idea!! That would stop me from researching on the computer and then end up looking at blogs for half an hour..

    :) xx

  2. I'm doing a similar scrapbook with images that inspire - like the teeny tiny meadow image that was on my Linda McCartney tarts via while back :-)

    One of mine is 13 this year too - where does that time go?

    Loving all your creativity, you're doing LOADS!


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