
Tuesday 8 January 2013

Continuing to Creatively Jumpstart 2013

Excuse me if in my last post I sounded as if this course was getting to be a chore, it definately isn't and I am loving it!  I'm learning lots of interesting techniques from some of the greatest teachers in the crafting world and all for free! (well, donations welcome)....

Today I've got two days of my coursework to show you as I did them over the weekend.

First up, we have another technique from Nathalie Kalbach, stamping with acrylic paint on foam stamps:

 (Right hand page)  
I had a foam heart stamp years ago that was meant for decorating walls with.  Not sure I'd ever do that, but it was ideal for my experiments for this project:

 We added texture with various textured objects, like sequin waste and net curtain.  (The red paint around the hearts was for 'deliberate' artistic effect).

When I was an art student years ago, we had a photographic project on decay and I loved it.  I loved taking pictures of paint peeling off doors and mouldy cabbages! 

Which is why I really liked Louise Nelson's project of recreating crackles on paint.  I couldn't find my crackle glaze (messy art room again!) so had to make do with a textured stamp to get an almost crackle effect in my journal.

 ...and I added some of our wedding photos to my page:

I also added buttons and white tippex to frame the photos.  My wedding dress was pink and white so the colour scheme was set.  

I will show you today's project (Monday's) tomorrow (Tuesday)

Thank you for looking,

1 comment:

  1. Love your pages Nicky, especially the crackled texture - gotta try something like that soon! Oh, anduhm... thanks for your comment on my blog! Let us 'elderly ladies' rock this year, shall we?!!!


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