
Monday 17 September 2012

It's Time for some Unfinished Projects

I get nagged! No, not by my husband, or, for that matter, by anyone else, but by my own conscience!  It regularly reminds me that I have got a rather large list of UFO (unfinished objects) or, more accurately, unfinished projects, that I must get round to, well, finishing.

One of them is Natalie Malik's 'In the Sun' art journaling course that I  had been faithfully following every day in the Summer until I went on holiday to Ireland.   'But there are still prompts left undone!' nags the voice of my conscience.

So, despite the fact that Summer is most definately on its way out, I am feeling this (guilty) need to go back and complete this project, preferably before the next season comes along and makes me forget what this Summer was like! 

So, today I made a start and worked on the next in the series of prompts:

It was, "If you had an extra hour a day, what would you do?"
(Finished page above) 
To make the page, I sponged on some blue and brown distress inks and splashed water on to blend them together.  I then added lots of clock stamped images from stamps that I've had for yonks.  [Clocks are now 'on trend' again, they must be, I saw them for myself in Paperchase].  I used a fine Black Versafine ink pad for the stamping.  Some of the clocks were deliberately stamped with less ink to represent the fading passage of time.

I added some number washi tape (from Paperchase) and arrow stamps to represent the hands on a clock...
...and finished off with some co-ordinating labels to write my journaling on. 

* * * * *

Something else that I did yesterday, was to make a simplified version of my son's school timetable:
I made it on the computer using Word and some fun downloaded fonts.  

It makes it look more interesting than the ruled table they get in their planners, and it has the added bonus that we can see at a glance what books he needs to take in each day.  This version is laminated and is kept in the kitchen where he can see it when eating breakfast.  

Thanks for stopping by today and for any comments,


  1. I always thought I was a finisher. Finish one project - move on to the next. Then I rediscovered painting. Blimey if you could see the half finished canvasses propped up in my messy room. The unfinished classes on my PC. Soon as bubba is here and we settle into a routine! That's the plan! Am trying now to get started (hence the increase in crafty posts!)

    Love your page - I never notice trends so they always seem to be 'in' to me ;) Well, ok, even I'VE noticed the moustaches but only because Devvie is obsessed by them...

  2. Gorgeous pages, loving blue and brown at the moment! Don't even go there with UFO's :/ I'm the world's worst offender! x

  3. Oh, I have a conscience like yours. I try to ignore it telling me all the things I should be doing. Your journaling work is lovely - great colours.


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